

May as well start this off properly. I'm a long time internet blogger but this is my first subject specific journal. I don't know how much I'll write in it, probably when something annoys or frustrates me but I will attempt to make sure anything I write about it backed up in one way or another.

Like anyone, I have opinions and views on certain things and this is sort of my way of questioning all of those in order to keep myself in check. It is also in the hope that others two will question their views and accept that they cannot always be right.

I will be posting about Girl on the Right a fair bit as, she was most of the inspiration to begin this. I find her blog sometimes interesting but mostly offensive and poorly researched with the majority of her articles coming from British tabloids such as The Daily Mail and Express. Whilst I applaud her willingness to be so open with her views, my numerous attempts to engage with her have not been met with much enthusiasm and her outward bigotry to anyone of the Muslim faith is almost intolerable.

I support free speech 100% but I think that will free speech there must come a responsibility of speech. I want to have the right to go out and call all right-wing conservatives bastards but that doesn't mean I have to exercise that right. It annoys me when people who make sweeping generalisations seriously (I don't think all right-wing conservatives are bastards) as I think it smacks of ignorance.

However, if you disagree with what I write about, please tell me (indeed, tell me if you agree too). I am more than happy to debate and discuss anything with anyone and you never know, you might win me over.

So, let us begin.